– Transmission Electron Microscopy at Hirszfeld Institute

Transmissive Electron Microscopy Transmission electron microscopy
at Hirszfeld Institute


  1. Biological samples imaging using transmissive electron microscopy (TEM).
  2. Cryo EM cryogenic imaging using transmissive electron microscopy.
  3. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy – element sample analysis.
  4. Ultrastructure samples creation in both room temperature and cryogenic conditions.
  5. Immunogold labeling.

Laboratory equipment

  1. JEOL 1200 EX microscope,
  2. JEOL JEM F-200 microscope,
    • Cold field emission with maximum accelerating voltage of 200 kV,
    • CR pole piece, with maximum available contrast and low contamination parameter, dedicated for low temperature and general biological imaging,
    • STEM microscope mode with Bright Field (BF) detectors and High-Angle Annular Dark-Field (HAADF),
    • CMOS TVIPS TemCam-XF416 camera with 16 MPix resolution and 5 x 63.5 mm2 area,
    • High tilt handle for room temperature tomography,
    • FISCHIONE 2550 Cryo-Transfer low temperature handle with tomography capabilities.
  3. Leica EM UC7 microtome with FC7 low temperature sectioning syste,
  4. Leica Automatic Plunge Freezer EM GP2,
  5. Quorum Technologies Turbo-Pumped Thermal Evaporator K975X,
  6. Plazma cleaner Targeo-EM,
  7. EMP 5160 Tissue Processor.


  1. Markowski A, Migdał P, Zygmunt A, Zaremba-Czogalla M, Gubernator J Evaluation of the in vitro cytotoxic activity of Ursolic Acid PLGA Nanoparticles against Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines Materials 14 (71), 4917 (2021) https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14174917


Paweł Migdał Ph. D. pawel.migdal@hirszfeld.pl

Krzysztof Pawlik Ph. D. krzysztof.pawlik@hirszfeld.pl


European Funds
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